What is the EU Omnibus? How it Impacts Corporate Sustainability
A summary of EU Omnibus' proposed effects on CSRD, CS3D, and EU Taxonomy.
We decided to run an analysis of x 25 ESRS Reports from the Netherlands.
Want to work with Nossa Data to streamline your company ESG reporting from ESRS to CDP, ESG Ratings, Ecovadis and more? Get in touch on our website.
Air Freight & Logistics: 2
Alcoholic Beverages: 1
Automobiles: 2
Commercial Banks: 5
E-Commerce: 1
Electric Utilities & Power Generators: 1
Electrical & Electronic Equipment: 2
Engineering & Construction Services: 2
Food Retailers & Distributors: 1
Insurance: 1
Internet Media & Services: 1
Oil & Gas – Exploration & Production: 1
Processed Foods: 1
Professional & Commercial Services: 2
Semiconductors: 1
Telecommunication Services: 1
All 25 companies picked E1, S1 and G1. The least picked standard was E1
Iveco, Rabobank and Stellantis all chose 9 while the lowest, Adyen, Randstad and TomTom picked only 3.
I went through each report and pulled the ESRS codes that they selected. Please note, some of the companies it was very difficult to match to the code due to language that was different from the ESRS language. The majority of companies chose to use ESRS language and publish their “E1” “S1” codes. All companies selected E1, S1 and G1.
One interesting finding is that the companies with the most number of material topics were not necessarily the companies with the longest disclosure.
Using Nossa Data’s AI engine we considered how many times each company used specific ESRS codes (Note we processed all companies except Ayden). Every company had E1, S1 and G1 embedded in their disclosure and most had disclosure standard codes as well.
What were the top 10 sustainability themes discussed (as detected by Nossa’s AI tool). Each of the below terms averaged over 100 metrics in each of the 25 reports.
Value chain
Arcadis had a great table of contents to quickly find their topic standards
ASML did custom Material topics embedded within and opened their Sustainability Statement with a helpful table.
BAM also offered a great Materiality Table
ING has great embedded visuals within their Sustainability Statement
Philips opens their report with a strong progress tracking sheet for ESG.
PostNL offers readers a Sub-sub topic breakdown
Rabobank opens each section with a guide on where to find that sections disclosure.
Wolters Kluwer made sure they disclosed their Data privacy processes in line with the ESRS
Want to work with Nossa Data to streamline your company ESG reporting from ESRS to CDP, ESG Ratings, Ecovadis and more? Get in touch on our website.