To show the world how companies interact with people and the planet

Nossa Data was started right at the moment the world entered lockdown for the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. When uncertainty hit the whole world we worried if ESG would remain on the top of the agenda for companies. What we found was a global pandemic increased the need to understand the impact of environmental, social and governance risks more than ever before.
Companies are getting put under a magnifying glass on everything from environmental impact, employee health and cyber security to their supply chain. ESG performance has a big impact on how a company is perceived by investors, regulators employees and more. However, we did not see a tool available for companies that adequately helps them with gathering and reporting their ESG information efficiently. We decided to build this tool.
Our approach brings technology and artificial intelligence solutions to the entire ESG process for companies. We are building it with a team of experts from the world of ESG, institutional investment, enterprise technology and start-ups.
Each individual can be a leader regardless of title or experience.
We operate with pride and honesty with we can offer clients.
We voice our opinions openly and listen to other perspectives.
We aim to make a real difference on the world’s largest issues.
We keep learning about our industry, clients and how to build.
We love testing and iterating improvements overtime.