ESRS Deep Dive on 25 companies from the Netherlands (FY24)
A detailed analysis of 25 Dutch CSRD reports from FY 24.
MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community. It offers a broad range of products and services, including indexes, analytics, ESG metrics, and research
MSCI’s ESG research evaluates and rates companies based on their exposure to, and management of, ESG risks and opportunities. With its ESG ratings, MSCI covers over 8,500 global companies and more than 680,000 equity and fixed income securities globally. The widespread adoption of MSCI’s ESG metrics by institutional investors, asset managers, and corporates underline its significance in the investment world.
For investors:
For companies:
Companies are assessed based on their management of key ESG issues relative to their industry peers. MSCI uses an ‘AAA’ to ‘CCC’ scale to rate companies, with AAAs defined as industry leaders and CCC as industry laggards.
The ratings process involves data collection across 33 ESG Key Issues, focusing on one’s that are material for a company’s respective industry. Data is gathered from publicly available data (such as annual and sustainability reports) and alternative sources, not including data reported by companies or sourced from external public data sources. Although there is a systematic, ongoing daily monitoring of scores, a company's Industry Adjusted Score and ESG Rating are typically only updated annually.
MSCI’s ESG ratings and metrics align with various global standards and frameworks:
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